Corporate Services

business consulting

We develop unique, actionable strategies for solving the most complex challenges around business transformation, finance, innovation, and market disruption. Our decades’ of experiences help us dig deeper, identify the area which matters and provide a conclusive solution.

fund syndication advisory

We help you scale up operations or maintain liquidity, by securing finances through a combination of debt and equity instruments. Depending on the type and current stage of your business, we get you connected to the right lenders, angels, VCs or PE institutions.

equity and debt restructuring

Your business might need to refinance its debts to keep the lights running or consolidate its shareholders for gaining more control over the board. In any case of debt or equity restructuring, we negotiate with all concerned parties, to make the deal happen at terms favourable to you.

investment management advisory

We analyze your company’s finances, return expectations and risk appetite to build a customised investment portfolio for you. It covers a broad range of asset classes, including equities, fixed income and alternatives. The portfolio is updated on regular intervals to maximise returns.

mergers and acquisitions

Our end-to-end merger, acquisition and divestiture advisory services are customised to deliver the value you want from your deal. We provide established, as well as unconventional strategies to craft a unique approach required to achieve your vision as effectively as possible.

portfolio management advisory

We help organisations manage their assets across the world in a sustainable way to optimise their performance, as well as minimise the risk and expenditure over the lifecycle of assets. Our customised approach maximises returns while keeping you in the loop at all times.

How can we help?

let’s get on a call and discuss your requirement in details.

When it is obvious that the goals cannot be achieved, do not question the goals. Rethink your action steps.

Raghuram K.
Partner, Fintrust